Thursday, February 17, 2011

100's Day

On the 100th day of school we did many special things.  We had a special snack.  There were 10 different snack items and the kids put 10 of each one into a zip lock baggie to make a 100 snack. 
Counting carefully 
The finished product 
Each child also brought 100 of a small item from home.  We worked in pairs to put those items in groups of 10's and 5's to practice counting to 100. 

We had a very busy, but fun day!

Too Long

It has been way to long since I have updated the blog.  I must apologize for not updating sooner.  All of our days off of school and the snow days have really thrown off our schedule.  We are finally starting to get back on track!  I will try to get everything updated so please be patient!  Thanks!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snowman Estimation

We made some little snowmen last week...

...and then glued some cotton balls onto the bodies.  We made sure no one saw how many cotton balls we took.  We wrote the number of cotton balls inside our snowman's hat.
We took turns asking each other to estimate how many snowballs were on our snowman.  We opened the hat to show the correct number.   

After we were done with the activity we were able to decorate our classroom with the snowmen.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


During letter Z,z week we studied zoo animals, their habitats, and what they eat.  We went on a "safari" hunting for some of the animals we had studied about.  We used our binoculars to find the animals and then graphed the animals we found. 
(I apologize for the pictures.  I forgot my camera and had to use my phone.  It didn't do so well with the fast movement of the kids:) ) 


"I think I see something!" 

The kids had a great time!  It was a fun way to incorporate math into science.

Money Money!

We have been working on counting money.  The other day I labeled some items that we have in the classroom and the kids counted out the correct change to "buy" an item.  They did an amazing job! 

Letter U,u Cooking Centers

For letter U,u we made United States Flags for snack. 
Spreading the frosting 

Drawing the square in the corner of the flag 
Adding the stars 
Adding the stripes
Blue mouths

We also painted paper towel tubes to make binoculars